Monday, October 18, 2010

I promise to update my blog more often...

I have not had the time to update my blog for a while - have just been plain lazy…no other excuse. Here is what I have been busy with over the past few days…
- Krishnav’s second birthday party: Could never imagine it is so hard to organize a birthday party for a two year old!! Getting the invitation list done; finalizing the venue; negotiating for a good rate; deciding the activities, decoration, arrangement, music; selecting/ordering the cake, etc. Phew, I am done with most of the stuff; the party happens tomorrow – hope it goes off well.
- Deciding upon which MTB to buy: over the past few weeks, I have taken a fancy for MTBs (bicycles). I believe that rather than paying several thousands to a gym and then not showing up there on most days (based on my past experience), I might as well rekindle my passion for cycling – an activity I gave up more than 20 years ago!! Have been lost in the world of Trek 3700 versus Merida 50V versus Schwin Frontier, etc. – basically figuring out which brand to buy. Frankly, before beginning my quest for the best bike (in terms of best value-for-money), I could never imagine there is so much to a man-powered vehicle!!
- Work place complications: Don’t want to elaborate, but don’t we all have challenges at workplace all the time :-)

I am very excited about Krishnav’s birthday party tomorrow evening. Will post some pics and write a detailed note on how it went… And, I have resolved to update my blog at least a few times in a month.