Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Working late...

I am one of those who DOES NOT TAKE WORK HOME! It sometimes however means that I need to stay in the office much beyond regular work hours. Today is one such day. And I thought I will put down my thoughts on likes and dislikes of working late over the next five minutes before I get on an overseas call:

What I like…
- No phone calls, yammer messages, and emails to break my chain of thought on whatever I am working on
- No colleagues walking into my office for unplanned discussion/issue resolution
- Very little distraction from adjoining cubicles (well mostly)
- Can play music on my laptop (and no need to use headphones!)
- Can enjoy a quiet cup of hot coffee
- If lucky, may find some left over cake in the canteen refrigerator (from a colleagues' birthday celebration earlier in the day!!)
- Roads are clutter-free (only relatively; don’t underestimate Gurgaon – world’s 24x7 back office!)
- Sometimes find time to update my blog between calls

What I hate…
- Next door office neighbor talking loudly on his phone (since most folks stay back for calls with overseas managers and/or clients)
- Cafeteria is closed, so no food
- No help around if there is an IT problem
- Eats into time reserved for my family


Anonymous said...
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Maverick said...

Completely agree with 'What I like' part. I hate interruptions. It is somehow assumed that walking over and starting to dole out your problems without even saying hello is the way to be. It is a good idea to call up your colleague before barging into his or her office.

Not taking work home is a good policy. In any case, can you imagine working with a little one at home?

Unknown said...

I am agreed with your first cents 'what ilike'.Because i think that work is important than anything.But your another comment i does not agree,because everyone working at home with their family

Unknown said...

I am agreed with your first cents 'what ilike'.Because i think that work is important than anything.But your another comment i does not agree,because everyone working at home with their family

Supriya said...

I completely agree with the entire post and somehow I feel all into core or non-core IT suffer from the same likes and dislikes sumhow !! Pleased to meet you.