Monday, March 2, 2009

Waltz in the class…

Lights-ppt deck-action I see often in my class
Audience are bored and presenters are crass
Whether finance or marketing, the performance looks the same
“Waltz in the class” is what I call this game

The judges ever so often do not care about content
Body language and “style” define intellectual dent
“Time cop” is the only person often glued to the “dance”
So that the next guy is not too late to take his stance

Grades are sadly the only performance driver
Audience are indifferent, heaps of print the only survivor
The dancer often does not connect with the class
Not that the audience minds giving him a pass

The dance often ends with a loud applause
Rarely in appreciation, often sadly without a cause
Clapping no doubt does create a feel-good sound
The energy dissipates, yet participants remain bound

Is this what education is all about, I ask?
Dancing to the slide-deck, wearing a knowledge mask
Sadly I guess we need to play along till the system halts
Flick our limbs, and get ready for our turn to waltz!

By Sunil Puri
(Inspired by a session on project presentations in the class)

1 comment:

Maverick said...

Your aria is better, alas,
Than the waltz in class.