Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sabbatical @ 35!

As I inch towards completing 11 years of work life sometime early next year (and after 5 jobs, 8 titles, 13 bosses, 9 office locations, and a zillion kms of driving to work), I have been thinking about taking a sabbatical from work. I am nowhere close to the top-management, so I would not say that I may lose a CEO-position because of the one year break, but it surely may have some career implications (and a lot of financial implications).

For the uninitiated, a sabbatical is a period away from your normal routine - a time to immerse yourself in a different environment, a chance to see your life from a different perspective. This may be a world tour, going back to school, voluntary work in another country/state, or just back-packing. The whole idea of a sabbatical is to slow down the pace of your work life, sit back and think about where you are heading (from another perspective, in another environment), and hopefully, energize for the next phase of the rat-race! Here is a definition I found on the Internet – “Sabbaticals are not vacations, but carefully planned periods of time devoted to study, reflection, rest, and renewal.” Luckily I work with a company that allows employees (with a certain minimum tenure) to take a year off to re-skill/go-back-to-school with a same-level-absorption guarantee. The company also is willing to evaluate the possibility of funding the re-skill initiative if it benefits the business.

Here is what I am thinking through as I initiate the plan for a one year sabbatical. Fellow bloggers, your views are welcome as I take this decision.

- Reflect upon where my life is going (no I do not want to sound like a character in a Robin Sharma book, but I think this looks cool as the first advantage!)
- Re-skill by going back to school (and seek sponsorship from the company)
- Relax, recoup, redevelop yourself and take a needed and deserved break

Open Questions:
- Why do I need a sabbatical (just because my company offers a one year sabbatical/go-back-to school option, it is not a great idea to undergo one full year of penury, and torture in some class-room somewhere)
- Who will pay my loans (read: do I have enough savings? Or will my wife be generous enough?)
- What about my wife’s career? (going on a sabbatical alone is a great idea, but I am not sure I can do that)
- What about the opportunity cost of not working for a year?

I will appreciate views and comments from fellow bloggers (preferably the ones who have been through this thought process…) on other benefits and risks of a one year sabbatical. Ideas on what I could do during this one year are also welcome.

1 comment:

Shubhra said...

Don't think too much man...just go for it!!!

One should seek new experiences, "status quo" is boring and often stagnating!!
