Friday, November 16, 2007

Yet Another Crazy Weekend This Will Be…

Though I rarely plan my weekends, the basic agenda almost always is to get the maximum out of the two days (maximum reading time, sleep, music, blogging, and may be a movie). There is however always something that comes up (typically on Friday evening or Saturday early morning) that puts my “leisure optimization” plan in a tizzy! My plan for this weekend was (till about 15 minutes back) to watch O-S-O, spend time at the Landmark book shop to pick up some guitar lesson self help books (my hunt for guitar teacher still continues…), drive to Nehru Park for a music-in-the-park performance on Saturday (where Srinivas – the famous mandolin player – is performing), and spend a few hours playing my guitar, among other things.

The last 15 minutes however ruined it all. Just got a call from my insurance agent that I may need to show-up for a medical test (which may take up to six hours) tomorrow at one of the local hospitals to fulfill the insurance policy requirements (the one I recently bought -- another one of those buys which one repents 10 seconds after handing over the check!). As soon as I kept the phone down cursing my luck, got another call from the car service agency that the date for my third free service expires in the middle of next week, which means that Sunday will most probably be spent at the Tata service station (Damn these Tata Motor guys who have no idea about customer delight – they expect customers to queue up outside the station, often on Saturday or Sunday mornings, to hand over the cars for service! no pick-up, no drop….do not know which world they come from!).

So, yet another crazy weekend this will be…

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